Github pr to fix broken links
Github pr to fix broken links

github pr to fix broken links

Brought across the Android Studio images from the lwjgl3default branch, since this isnt specific to LWJG元 and even these new screenshots are already looking outdated. So I changed that, and some other stuff while I was there. both before and after the download buttons. For more information on search qualifiers you can use, see " Searching issues. I noticed the numbering on the project generation page was messed up, having 1. One approach is for the submitter fix the issues in their original local branch, close the pull request, and submit a new one. Search for issues and pull requests to add to your project board using search qualifiers. If you have a website, at some point you will get a broken link on it. Versions prior to 1.3. Leafkit is a templating language with Swift-inspired syntax. Navigate to the project board where you want to add issues and pull requests. I am reporting the documentation problem for version of PowerShell I am using. As a workaround sanitize any untrusted input before passing it to Leaf and enable a CSP to block inline script and CSS data. For more information, see " Linking a repository to a project board." Adding issues and pull requests to a project board

github pr to fix broken links

You can remove these qualifiers to search within all organization repositories. When you search for issues and pull requests to add to your project board, the search automatically scopes to your linked repositories. Monitors external links and internal links in your posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and custom fields (optional). It helps you fix bad links to improve SEO and user experience. Linking repositories makes it easier to add issues and pull requests from those repositories to your project board using Add cards or from the issue or pull requests sidebar. Broken Link Checker monitors and tests all internal links & external links on your site looking for broken links. You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board. Thanks to the following 11 authors who contributed 57 commits.

You can view and make lightweight edits to issues and pull requests within your project board by clicking on the issue or pull request's title. Upgrade pytest on Travis PR 941: Fix LaTeX base template name in docs PR 940: Updated release instructions based on 5.4 release walk-through PR 887: Fixed broken link to jinja docs PR 997: 5.4.1 5.4.1 on Github. For more information, see " Adding notes to a project board." Note: You can also add notes to your project board to serve as task reminders, references to issues and pull requests from any repository on GitHub, or to add related information to your project board.

Github pr to fix broken links